Download Film Supercross 2005 Gratis on this page. Hi, does anyone know how to transfer data from Suikoden 1 to Suikoden 2 using ePSXe saves? I imagine it's very simple but I am pretty bad with this. Download a different type of rom for the game. I started Crash Bandicoot and successfully saved and re-opened the saved game.

Play a different ps1 game and verify that the games save. I believe the ps1 emulator that comes with Retropie is the lr-pcsx-rearmed. Any ideas of why this particular game isn't seeing the saved games? Is there something that i need to edit for it to be read? I checked the psx roms folder and I can see that a.srm file was created for the game (which from other ps1 games I know that this file is the saved data). When i close the game and try to reload a saved game it states again that there is no saved games. I go into the main menu and click save, and watch as one of the 15 slots is written with my current progress, but when I go back in to save again i don't see the saved data or any data. The game runs fine but the issue is when I try to save the game. My issue comes with the PS1 emulator playing Legend of Dragoon. So far all the emulators that I've been playing games on, N64, NES, SNES, and PS1, have been working fine.

I just recently turned my Raspberry pi 3 into a retro gaming system using the Retropie software with Raspian.